Parenting and Child Health
Growth and development, parenting issues, lifestyle. Information leaflets and advice on almost all aspects of parenting and child health. This site is run by the South Australian government and also provide a large number of links to more resources. Why do the Aussies always seem to get it right?


Purple Crying
Yes! American yet common sense: it can be done! And this colleague certainly has pulled it off with this utterly sensible website aimed at those desperate parents with SCREAMING babies. A godsent for many a parent and a possible life saver... Not week passes without me recommending this website to parents.


NHS Choices
Boy, this resource has come a long way and it is absolutety fantabulous, restored my pride in the NHS: comprehensive, clear, evidence based information on almost anything medical. OK, there are some silly government sponsored nonsensities also but the good stuff is there!


Chronic fatigue/ME: AYME
AYME (pronounced ‘aim’) is the largest charity for children and young people with ME/CFS, with over ten years of knowledge and experience about how this illness affects children and young people. I found this website an incredibly useful resource for patients and their parents. And as long as there is patient choice in the NHS, Esther will see them all.


STARS: Syncope Trust And Reflex anoxic Seizures
A good resource for children/patients and parents. 'Have not put it under reference as although there is a section for professionals they make you sign and cough up £15. Fair enough but I find it annoying. Anyway, good site to point parents and their fainting/breath holding kids to.


ERIC (Education and resources for improving childhood continence)
Information and support on childhood bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and soiling to children, young people, parents and professionals. Once you visited this website you will never again have to refer a child for enuresis.


A relatively recently launched resource from the RCPCH. Providing information for parents and carers about kidney conditions in babies, children and young people. Read about conditions, tests, treatments and supporting information - on screen or in downloadable leaflets.


Advice and information for parents in relation to child mental health issues ranging from specific conditions to parenting advice. Certainly worthwhile a look so you know what you're recommending.