
To achieve better care for infants, children and young people and their families (CYPF) in general in-patient and outpatient settings, through an improved evidence base using rigorous multi-centre collaborative research.


1. To strengthen research in General Paediatrics in the United Kingdom (UK) UK and The Republic of Ireland (ROI) by facilitating collaboration and coordinating the research activities of participating institutions.
2. To develop and sustain a consensus-derived and well informed research agenda used to guide the network activities and produce high-quality studies in General and Adolescent Paediatrics.

3. To establish a robust operational infrastructure to develop and conduct clinical trials and observational studies using robust study designs and methodologies.
4. To provide opportunities for bidirectional education and exchange of ideas and information between clinical and academic communities, and encourage the translation of network research findings into practice.
5. To create a framework that promotes cohesion and sharing of expertise between centres within the UK and ROI, and other similar research networks internationally 6. To mentor and inspire new investigators to improve research skills and develop research projects.
7. To achieve better recognition of Academic General and Adolescent Paediatrics as a specialty with support for trainees and a clearer career structure.